Applications for PhD and MPhil scholarships are invited from interested and qualified Malaysian candidates.
Miri – 4 November 2015 – Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia (Curtin Sarawak) is committed to supporting and nurturing postgraduate researchers within a dynamic, conducive research environment. It has a thriving community of staff and students engaged in research spanning the whole spectrum of engineering, business and humanities.
It also offers Higher Degree by Research (HDR) programmes and research scholarships for eligible postgraduate candidates of Malaysian citizenship to join the vibrant research communities at the university and conduct advanced research study based on their chosen research areas.
Among the latest scholarships currently being offered are a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) scholarship in petroleum engineering to design a cement-based nano particle composition which can resist supercritical CO2 attack during sequestration practices. More information can be obtained at http://www.curtin.edu.my/whats_on/phd_petroleum02.htm or by emailing Dr Raoof Gholami Mian Poshteh at [email protected] for more information.
Another PhD scholarship in petroleum engineering is for the development of a new enhanced oil recovery method and model for high–temperature well stimulation using acid combinations. Interested candidates can email Dr Hisham Khaled Ben Mahmud at [email protected] or go to www.curtin.edu.my/whats_on/phd_petroleum.htm for details.
In the field of geotechnical engineering, a PhD scholarship is being offered for investigation into shear strength and consolidation behaviour of peat treated using microbial induced calcite precipitation. Those interested to apply for this scholarship can email Dr Wong Kwong Soon at [email protected].
A fourth PhD scholarship, this time in chemical engineering, requires the candidate to conduct research to develop a mixed matrix membrane for gas separation. Interested candidates can find out more at www.curtin.edu.my/whats_on/chemical.htm or email Dr Zeinab Abbas Jawad at [email protected]. A Master of Philosophy (MPhil) scholarship for similar research is also available.
Another MPhil scholarship is available for the design and modelling of a microwave heating system and those interested can download the necessary information from www.curtin.edu.my/download/doc/MPhil%20Scholarship%20in%20Engineering.pdf or email Dr Stephanie Chan Yen San at [email protected].
Candidates are also invited for a MPhil scholarship in civil/mechanical engineering to study a polycal wire rope vibration isolator for industrial equipment. Those interested can email Associate Professor Muhammad Ekhlasur Rahman at [email protected] for details.
All the PhD scholarships are offered for three-year periods while the MPhil scholarships are for two years. All include complete tuition fee waiver and monthly stipends. The successful candidates will be awarded the same degrees as those from Curtin University in Australia.
科廷大学马来西亚分校 Curtin University Sarawak Malaysia