Miri – 27 May 2016 – As a testimony to its strong industry links and its commitment to providing industry-relevant teaching and learning, two new student chapters were recently formed at Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia (Curtin Sarawak).
They are the Institute of Materials Malaysia (IMM) Curtin Sarawak Student Chapter and Engineers Australia Curtin Sarawak Student Chapter.
Initiated by the university’s Faculty of Engineering and Science and the relevant professional bodies, the student chapters will help their student members develop technical knowledge, leadership experience and lasting relationships with peers and mentors, in addition to offering many unique chapter benefits.
This will give them that much-needed edge in the job market when they graduate, ensuring they have the necessary knowledge, experience and networking to begin their careers successfully.
The IMM Curtin Sarawak Student Chapter, the fourth IMM student chapter to be established in Malaysia, is fully supported by both the IMM Council and IMM Miri Chapter.
IMM President Mohd. Azmi Mohd. Noor was at Curtin Sarawak recently to sign the official student chapter launch certificate and present it to IMM Curtin Sarawak Student Chapter Pro Tem Chairman Ker Tze Sheng.
Witnessing the ceremony were Chairman of IMM Miri Chapter, Associate Professor Ir. Edwin Jong Nyon Tchan; Acting Dean of Curtin Sarawak’s Faculty of Engineering and Science, Associate Professor Ir. Lau Hieng Ho; and IMM Miri Chapter Public Liaison Officer Dr. Vincent Lee Chieng Chen, who is also Chairman of the Faculty of Engineering and Science’s Industrial and External Relations Committee and Advisor to the IMM Curtin Sarawak Student Chapter.
Associate Professor Ir. Lau said an IMM student chapter at Curtin Sarawak will not only add to its prestige as a university but also provide students a more tangible link with the IMM so that they are in tune with the latest advancements in materials engineering and technology.
Associate Professor Ir. Jong, meanwhile, expressed hopes the student chapter will take the opportunity to participate in IMM Council and IMM Miri Chapter events, as well as organise activities and projects of its own for the benefit of its members, the campus community and the community at large.
IMM is a non-profit professional society that promotes honourable practice and professional ethics and encourages education in materials science and corrosion engineering, welding technology, inspection techniques and advanced engineering applications. Its 6,000 members nationwide comprise engineers, scientists, academicians, technicians, skilled workers and other professionals.
At a separate event, the Faculty of Engineering and Science signed a collaborative Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Engineers Australia Malaysia Chapter (EAMC), the terms of which included the establishment of an Engineers Australia student chapter at Curtin Sarawak.

Professor Mienczakowski and Ir. Liew (2nd right) exchanging MoU documents.
Signing on behalf of the university and EAMC respectively were Pro Vice-Chancellor, President and Chief Executive Professor Jim Mienczakowski and President Ir. Liew Choon Kong, witnessed by Associate Professor Ir. Lau and EAMC Deputy President Ir. Ali Ebadi.
Also present were EAMC Immediate Past President Ir. Dennis Ong, Engineers Australia Executive General Manager Ben Leaver and Engineers Australia National Programme Manager (Tertiary Development) Dr. David Pointing.
The Engineers Australia Curtin Sarawak Student Chapter Pro Tem committee is being helmed by second-year chemical engineering student Syarifah Nurliza Wan Drahman.
The MoU also facilitates a number of mutually beneficial activities such as joint research and consultancy activities; joint organisation of seminars and academic meetings; and exchange of academic materials and other information. It will also enable industrialists, researchers and governmental organisations to interact with academic staff and students of Curtin Sarawak.
In conjunction with the signing, EAMC awarded the Engineers Australia Outstanding Student Prize to Kok Ka Yee and a membership talk by Dr. Pointing was also held.
Engineers Australia is professional body dedicated to promoting and advancing the science and profession of engineering in any or all of its disciplines and facilitating the exchange of information and ideas related to engineering. EAMC was established in 1994 with the objective to facilitate contacts among Engineers Australia members residing in Malaysia and the Engineers Australia National Office.
Other engineering discipline student chapters at Curtin Sarawak are the Curtin Sarawak Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) Student Branch, Curtin University Sarawak Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Student Chapter, Curtin Sarawak Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Student Chapter, Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) – Industry Application Society (IAS) Student Chapter of Curtin Sarawak, and Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) Student Section.
Other student chapters include the CPA Australia Student Chapter, Humanitarian Affairs Curtin Sarawak Student Chapter, Institute of Public Relations Malaysia (IPRM) Student Chapter, and AIESEC Curtin Sarawak Chapter.
Curtin Sarawak’s Faculty of Engineering and Science offers a wide range of engineering programmes that are fully accredited by Engineers Australia and Board of Engineers Malaysia. Presently, about 2,000 students are enrolled in its undergraduate chemical; mechanical; petroleum; civil and construction; electronic and communications; electrical power; computer system; and environmental engineering courses.
Enrolment for Curtin Sarawak’s second semester intake is now in progress with classes for undergraduate and foundation programmes commencing on 1 August 2016 and 15 August 2016 respectively.
科廷大学(澳洲大学马来西亚分校) Curtin University Sarawak Malaysia