Curtin Sarawak Open Day 2014 logo.
Miri – 28 June 2014 – Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia (Curtin Sarawak) will be holding its eighth annual Open Day this 20 September 2014.
Next to its annual graduation ceremonies, the Curtin Sarawak Open Day is the grandest and most anticipated annual event at the Curtin Sarawak campus. It is an occasion for the university to showcase its facilities, academic programmes and vibrant campus life amidst much fun and festivity.
This year’s event is of special significance as it mark’s Curtin Sarawak’s fifteenth year anniversary and there will be much celebration of its achievements since its establishment as the first international campus of Curtin University in 1999. It is now Curtin’s largest international campus with over 3,500 students from some 40 different countries.
“It will be a showcase of how we are fulfilling our goal to be a recognised regional leader in education and research, as well as an occasion to engage with the community and celebrate our fifteenth anniversary,” said organising chair and the university’s corporate communications manager, Nicholas Leong.
According to Leong, everyone looks forward to the event each year – from the campus community to potential students and their families and the larger local community. He said that a record 7.412 visitors attended last year’s event and the university hopes to break the 10,000 mark this year.
He added that the event on from 10 am to 5 pm will be an opportunity for prospective students and their parents to learn more about courses offered at Curtin Sarawak. Members of the public can also take the opportunity to visit the campus and enjoy the many activities lined up for the day.
Highlights of the day will include an Innovation Expo featuring the teaching and learning and R&D strengths of Curtin Sarawak’s School of Business, School of Engineering & Science, School of Continuing Studies and Curtin Sarawak Research Institute; a Future Students’ Booth; and public talks by Curtin Sarawak’s academics and invited speakers from industry.
In addition, there will be a ‘Kiddies’ Corner’ and ‘Charity & Community Corner’; a wide range of food and beverage, retail and activity stalls operated by Curtin Sarawak’s student clubs and local businesses; as well as live musical and stage performances and contests at the main stage.
Another anticipated crowd-puller will be the event’s lucky draws. Attractive prizes including TVs, tablet PCs and smartphones will be given away in a series of lucky draws throughout the day.
Leong said local businesses, civic organisations and community groups are encouraged to support and participate in the event. They can contact the university’s corporate communications department at +60 85 443806 or by email to [email protected] for details.
“We look forward to greater support from our industry partners and local businesses through direct participation in the event or corporate sponsorship. We are glad that a good number of companies continue to contribute financially to the event each year, and in acknowledgement of their continued support, we are offering them more attractive sponsorship packages. New sponsors will also enjoy more generous packages,” said Leong.
Full details of Curtin Sarawak Open Day 2014 are available on its webpage at www.curtin.edu.my/openday2014. One can also visit its Facebook event page at www.facebook.com/events/301593253335033/ (Curtin Sarawak Open Day 2014).
For more information on Curtin Sarawak, visit its website at www.curtin.edu.my, its Facebook page at facebook.com/CurtinUniversitySarawakMalaysia, Twitter profile at twitter.com/curtinsarawak, YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/CurtinUniSarawak, or Instagram at instagram.com/curtinsarawak.

A showcase facilities, academic programmes and vibrant campus life amidst much fun and festivity.

Scene from last year’s Curtin Sarawak Open Day which attracted a record number of visitors.