Country’s first of its kind Center of Excellence further extends power of cognitive computing to the IoT
Kuala Lumpur, 27 July 2016: Malaysia’s premier education institution, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) announced the establishment of an Internet of Things (IoT) Center of Excellence to develop, facilitate and promote IoT education by leveraging IBM Watson IoT platform.
This first of its kind IoT Center of Excellence in Malaysia will further extend the power of cognitive computing to the billions of connected devices, sensors and systems that comprise the IoT.
“IoT is the next wave of innovation that will transform our world. Whether in smart homes, in connected cars, in smart factories or healthcare industries, many developments are related to IoT. The Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) is amongst Malaysia’s Premier Private Universities, and is where a unique fusion of technology, innovation and creativity works effectively to prepare professional graduates for significant roles in business and society globally. I am confident that the establishment of IoT Center of Excellence will make our students more competitive and employable in the job market.” said Prof Ron Edwards, Vice Chancellor APU.
APU will develop, facilitate and promote IoT education though its state-of-the-art cloud-based IoT infrastructure used by students, researchers and faculty members. APU faculty and students will be able to develop IoT apps, products and services using the IBM Watson IoT Platform, which securely connects devices to applications using cloud-based services and rich analytics. This includes:
- Assistance in IBM Watson IoT courses being taught at APU by providing the educators’ guide, labs, tutorials and other supporting resources to assist with the IoT curriculum;
- IBM-led Watson IoT hands-on workshops to students and faculty as needed to build in-demand IoT skills; and
- Extended Bluemix trial to help students and faculty become proficient with IBM Watson IoT.
IBM will also provide relevant IoT resources, training the trainers and assistance in building a workforce with high-demand IoT skills. This will also equip APU with current expertise and knowledge in line with the latest IT industry requirements, as well as prepare students to meet future industry requirements.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is predicted to have an economic impact of more than $11 trillion by 2025. IBM, a global innovation leader in Internet of Things, is working to accelerate the development of cognitive IoT solutions and services in order to help clients and partners make sense of the growing volume and variety of data in a physical world that is rapidly becoming digitized.
Establishment of this CoE will assist APU to create a multidisciplinary learning and research environment in the field of IoT and related disciplines, including Advanced Analytics, Cloud Computing, Mobile Development and Embedded Systems.
“IBM Watson IoT platform will provide students at APU the skills to develop applications which could make use of the data gathered from sensors and devices. And in turn, the ability to make sense of the overwhelming amount of data created from the proliferation of these IoTs will encourage and lead to the culture of innovation,” said Chong Chye Neo, Managing Director, IBM Malaysia.
APU has a long-standing collaboration with IBM. In 2011, APU signed an agreement with IBM to embed IBM Rational software in its IT courses. The university’s lecturers and students leveraged IBM Rational to design, develop and test software. In May 2015, IBM Malaysia and APU announced an academic collaboration to develop the next generation of technology savvy graduates through the sharing of skills, best practices and knowledge. Under this memorandum of understanding, APU expanded the scope of the curriculum to include IBM technologies in mobile application design and development, cloud computing, analytics and security.

The Opening Ceremony of IBM’s Internet of Things (IoT) Center of Excellence was officiated by IBM Malaysia General Manager, Software Group, Jimmy Kwang (left) and APU Dean, Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Technology (FCET), Prof. Dr. Ir. Vinesh Thiruchelvam.

IBM Malaysia & APU works hand-in-hand to deliver up-to-date course materials and learning support to nurture next generation of IT professionals.
About Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)
The Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) is amongst Malaysia’s Premier Private Universities. APU offers a wide range of degree programmes in collaboration with Staffordshire University, UK with Technology as a common core, including Information Technology, Engineering, Business & Management, Accounting, Quantitative Studies and Media. These programmes nurture students into professionals and prepare them for challenging careers and roles in business and society globally. Professionalism, problem-solving skills, and creativity & innovation are some of the key attributes of APU graduates. The multi-cultural student community comprises both Malaysian students as well as International students. APU has earned an enviable reputation as an award-winning University through its achievements in winning a host of prestigious awards at national and international levels. It was announced as among the Highest Rated Universities in Malaysia, being rated at TIER 5 (EXCELLENT) under the SETARA 2013 Ratings by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) on 1st November 2012.
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