More than 70 students from five higher learning institutions around Perak attended a camp named “5 Institutions Come Together (青春5林)” at UTAR Kampar Campus on 9 April 2016.
The camp was jointly-organised by Perak Non-Islamic Affairs Committee (Unit Hal Ehwal Bukan Islam Perak), UTAR Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) Kampus Ipoh, and Universiti Kuala Lumpur Royal College of Medicine Perak (UniKL RCMP). It aimed to foster closer ties among universities in Perak.
The participants hailed from UTAR, IPG Kampus Ipoh, UniKL RCMP, Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI),and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP).
Organising Chairperson Jerry Yong Kian Fai delivered his welcoming message to all the participants and stated that the mission of the camp is to gather all the Chinese speaking students from higher learning institutions around Perak. He said, “We wish to establish close ties among us to broaden our horizons and also to consolidate each other’s professional knowledge.”
ICS Dean Assoc Prof Dr Chong Siou Wei in his welcoming speech mentioned that students should be active in co-curricular activities both inside and outside their institutions to open up their horizons and build up their personal network. He said, “This meaningful activity should be continued as an annual event to benefit many more students.”

Yong (left) and Dr Chong declaring the opening of the ceremony.

Dr Chong (fifth from right) and the delegates during the opening ceremony.
The participants were divided into eight groups named after group found in the Wushu faction and chivalry game, such as Shaolin (少林), Huashan (华山), Ermei (峨眉), Wudang (武当), Gaibang (丐帮), Qisha (七杀), Xianjian (仙剑), and Xiaoyao (逍遥). Activities during the camp included a talk, seminar, and group activities to enrich the social and communication skills of the participants.
One of the highlights of the day was the exchange session between Perak State Executive Council Member Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon and the participants, titled “Youth and Community”. The exchange focused on the current situation and future development of education in Perak. He said, “The education system in the state is systematic and provides outstanding secondary and higher education. In recent years, Perak’s tourism market continues to grow. The strength of education and tourism-related fields is bringing about a return of expertise to the state.”

Dato’ Mah delivering his closing remarks.
At the closing ceremony, Dato’ Mah remarked, “When youth thrive the nation also thrives, when youth are strong the nation is also strong (青年兴则国家兴;青年强则国家强).” He appealed for the forging of a strong union among the students from the various institutions to strengthen ties and take care of each other.
Among those present at the closing ceremony were Deputy Head of Perak Non-Islamic Affairs Committee Choong Shin Heng, UTAR Vice-President for Student Development and Alumni Relations Assoc Prof Dr Teh Chee Seng, ICS Head of Department of Chinese Studies for Kampar Campus Toh Teong Chuan, Head of Department of Chinese Studies for IPG Kampus Ipoh Dr Ng Sook Gun, lecturer representatives Dr Tan Ai Boay from UTAR, Wong Siaw Wuei from UniKL RCMP, Ng Swee Huat and Lam Seiw Tai from IPG Ipoh,and other ICS members.

Dato’ Mah (forth from right) with students from the five institutions showing their participation certificates.

Yong (left) delivering a token of appreciation to Dato’ Mah.

Group photo of the guests during the closing ceremony.

Dance performance by the committee members.

One of the group activities .
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