In collaboration with Ditrolic Solar, a 4.1 MWp on-site rooftop solar system was deployed at UTAR Kampar Campus buildings early this year whereby installation of approximately 9,000 pieces of solar modules started. This solar system can generate enough power for 75 percent of peak power demand. Over its lifetime, the rooftop solar system will be able to generate about 108,142MWh of clean energy, enabling UTAR to avoid 75,699 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
UTAR entered into this 20-year rooftop solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Ditrolic Solar to deploy this on-site rooftop solar system. Under Ditrolic Solar’s SunLease programme, UTAR Kampar Campus buildings in Perak will enjoy the clean energy that will be generated without any capital outlay and purchase the energy at a discounted rate from the regular TNB tariff.
This initiative is mooted by UTAR as part of its commitment to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations (UN) in support of clean natural energy and working towards carbon neutrality.
On top of the signing of the Solar PPA, Ditrolic Solar and UTAR will also collaborate on areas of Research and Development by creating solar research systems on campus to enable researchers and students to acquire and analyse real life data to enable the advancement of solar system designs in the tropical region.
For more information on this PPA signing ceremony, please log on to:

The roof top solar panels at UTAR Kampar Campus.

Solar panels on rooftops of Kampar Campus faculty buildings.

Present at the PPA signing with Ditrolic Solar were; seated from left: Prof Dato’ Tan Chong Tin, Datuk (Dr) Oh Chong Peng, Tan Sri Ting Chew Peh and Mr Tham Chee Aun.
Standing from left: Prof Ewe Hong Tat, Datuk Lee Leck Cheng and Ms Raziah Hamdan.
Online Education Fair 线上教育展
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)