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IMU 在教育领域获得国际性殊荣 成为唯一获得2022 年 AMEE 院系发展奖项的亚洲机构

后排 (从左至右):余慧明教授 (教学与学习中心院长)、AbdulAziz Baba教授 (副校长)、Vishna Devi Nadarajah 教授(机构发展与国际部副校长) 前排 (从左至右):黃佩詩博士 (教学与学习中心副院长)、Norul Hidayah 博士(IMU教育中心高级讲师)、Siti Suriani Binti Abdul Razak (IMU教育中心讲师)

国际医学教育协会 (AMEE) 颁发2022年 ASPIRE 卓越证书予 IMU

马来西亚,2022 年 10 月 27 日– 马来西亚国际医药大学 (IMU) 是马来西亚第一间私立医学和健康科学大学,同时也是该领域最稳健发展的教育机构。最近,IMU因其在院系发展的模范表现获得国际医学教育协会AMEE颁发国际性认证。AMEE是世界公认的国际性协会,成员遍布全球五大洲 90 多个国家的医疗保健专业人员,并通过分享最佳实践、支持、网络、研究和专业发展,以促进医疗保健专业教育的卓越发展。

该协会的ASPIRE to Excellence Awards 是一个享誉盛名的权威性年度奖项,旨在表彰不同类别健康专业教育领域的世界级卓越成就,包括学生参与、课程开发、审查评估和院系发展。这个竞争性奖项的选择主要基于独立的同行评审过程,学术评审小组根据以健康专业教育最佳实践为基准评估参与机构提交的内容。IMU 在2013 年成为第一家获得 ASPIRE 学生参与奖的亚洲大学。

今年,IMU 教育中心 (简称ICE) 获得了 AMEE ASPIRE 院系发展卓越认证,成为亚洲唯一在此类别获得认可的机构。这项认证主要基于教育机构在目标和课程设计、课程范围、课程资源和支持、课程评估和奖学金等五个标准作出审查评估。另外,上述审查评估也考量了IMU大学在对应疫情大流行造成破坏的敏锐反应,采用完善综合线上资源为院系提供所需支持以履行教育职责的混合应对方案。该大学通过国际合作方式建立能力并发展健康专业教育专业性的举措也备受赞扬。

在欢庆30周年纪念之际获此殊荣恰逢其时,也充分凸显出IMU在追求卓越、精益求精方面的长期性信誉,并展现出医疗保健专业教育的最佳实践范例。它也进一步提升了IMU作为世界级机构的地位,过去曾在此奖项类别获得殊荣的教育机构包括荷兰马斯特里赫特大学 (Maastricht University) 和英国利兹大学 (University of Leeds)。

IMU 机构发展和国际拓展部副校长 Vishna Devi Nadarajah 教授表示:“IMU具备强大的文化,使得我们能促进教职员工的持续性改进。我们的院系发展计划是一项长期、广泛和资源充足的计划,每年涵盖了大约 70 个项目。这些范围包括工作坊和网络研讨会、全体会议和专家诊所会议,以及由IMU 专家和强大外部专家网络联合推动,并获得IMU客座教授支持的论坛和健康专业教育期刊联谊会。这些优势使得我们能将世界级健康专业教育的领导者带到 IMU,分享他们的专业知识并将其应用于本区域。我们的举措从各个方面加强了大学教学和学习能力,并支持个人发展和专业成就,同时也确保高学术标准。”

“我们会定期审视这些计划以在未来进行改善,这些都是我们团队奉献的结果,我们为他们的成就感到非常自豪。IMU 非常重视人才发展,我们希望这种认可将进一步激励我们的院系全面追求卓越,从而为我们的学生提供一个具备良好支持和有利的学习环境。”她这样说明。

后排 (从左至右):余慧明教授 (教学与学习中心院长)、AbdulAziz Baba教授 (副校长)、Vishna Devi Nadarajah 教授(机构发展与国际部副校长)
前排 (从左至右):黃佩詩博士 (教学与学习中心副院长)、Norul Hidayah 博士(IMU教育中心高级讲师)、Siti Suriani Binti Abdul Razak (IMU教育中心讲师)

欲了解有关AMEE奖项的更多资讯并查看完整的获奖者名单,请浏览网站 https://amee.org,或浏览网站 www.imu.edu.my 获取有关 IMU 的更多信息。

Online Education Fair 线上教育展
International Medical University (IMU)


About International Medical University
Founded in 1992, the International Medical University (IMU) is Malaysia’s first and most established full-fledged private medical and health sciences university. Today, the IMU offers 41 health professional programmes at pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Health Sciences, and Postgraduate Studies. IMU has established a solid global network that provides students with greater learning and training opportunities through its credit-transfer agreements with 36 prestigious universities worldwide. At the IMU, students aspire to be future healthcare professionals who are committed to lifelong learning and imbued with a sense of good citizenship, leadership and ethical behaviour.

In 2017 and 2019, IMU was awarded the biennial SETARA 6-star rating (Highly Competitive) under the Mature University by the Ministry of Higher Education. We are also rated a 5-star university by the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings.

Celebrating our 30th Anniversary in 2022 with the theme of Nurturing Leaders Today, we remain focused on the central philosophy that guided our founders; Access to quality health science education, innovation and imagination as a cornerstone, as well as continuous insights and reflection to visualise and realise IMU’s future. Our strategic plan aims to cement our leadership in medical and health care education through quality and to ensure that our delivery and offerings are aligned to society’s needs and the digital age.

For more information, please visit IMU website at www.imu.edu.my or its blog at http://imunews.imu.edu.my.

About AMEE
AMEE is a worldwide organisation with members in over 90 countries, made up of individuals and organisations from a diverse range of backgrounds that span the healthcare professions educator sector, with the aim of bettering education in their field and supporting colleagues around the world in achieving excellence. AMEE promotes that excellence in health professions education internationally at all levels of study, from entry level disciplines to Masters programmes and PhD Research. We function as a connector, supporter and information hub for health professions education specialists and professionals, as well as those with an interest in driving the development of the sector forward. We do so by building a connected community, run our own set of skills and professional development programmes, produce print and digital content through our Medical Teacher Journal and MedEdPublish platform, and provides a platform of recognition for professionals, educators and students, among them our ASPIRE programme which gives institutions the opportunity to be officially awarded titles of excellence for different aspects of their approach to learning.

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