Travelling is one of those experiences in which it does not only serve to entertain, but also to educate. In travelling, we learn so much more about ourselves, the people around us, different cultures and much more. Recently, there has been an emergence of a new type of travel culture, ‘architecture memories’ surrounds those who journey in order to see and experience a city’s interior and architecture. Those looking for architecture memories often make plans surrounding a location’s architecture, be it their choice of hotel or visiting public buildings of interest such as libraries and museums for some sightseeing. The memories made and experienced serve as inspiration for creative ideas.
The theme for The One Academy’s ID Supplement Day this time round was ‘Travel to Inspire’. Addressing topics such as finding inspiration not only abroad but also locally, creating architecture memories and turning these experiences into inspiration, the event this time was a smashing success. The forum was organized by The One Academy’s School of Interior Architecture and Design with the purpose of equipping students with tips and insight from the industry as well as vital creative skills. The speaker lineup this time was Dr Eric Leong, Head of the Interior Architecture and Design School, Ong Xin Rong and Lewis Chan, lecturers of the Interior Design faculty here at The One Academy. Each speaker has tons of experience and knowledge in this are as all of them have been dabbling in this industry for many years.
When asked about why they travel, each speaker had their own reasons for venturing beyond their four walls. Lewis stated that he sees travelling as an adventure, brimming with new perspectives and opportunities for exploration whereas Dr Eric Leong said he used to travel to collect memories. “We didn’t have social media or Instagram last time, so the pictures we took we had to wait really long to develop and keep them”. However, nowadays his travelling is mainly for work and inspiration purposes. “When I travel now, I look for inspiration and new ideas and then implement them in our course and studies”, he stated.

(from right) Lewis Chan, Dr Eric Leong, and Ong Xin Rong, the panel of speakers at the ID Supplement Day forum.
They also spoke about experiences they encountered during their travels. Dr Eric recounted an instance that him and his friends had experienced whilst travelling in which they had come across a unique accommodation with an even more unique story to it. “The hotel we chose to stay at was a castle, and it was really cheap. Excited we decided to book it, however we soon found out that the reason why many people weren’t there and it was really cheap was because it was rumored to be haunted”, he explained gleefully. Lecturer XR Ong said she too truly enjoys travelling and makes it a point to work hard, save up and travel as it is an excellent way to find inspiration and meet new people. Some places we go to have a way of making its mark in our hearts and this ring true for the panel of speakers. Lewis Chan said that Japan is one of the countries he never tired of going to as the people there have “first-world mentalities and first-world facilities”. He spoke of how the locals in Japan are very respectful and their culture is one he finds very interesting. XR and Dr Eric on the other hand have a soft spot for Bangkok, Thailand. “Bangkok has a very unique and diverse architecture and I make it a point to at least stay for two weeks when I go there, as there is always so much to see and learn from their architecture and interior industry”, said Dr Eric.
Regardless of the memories and experienced made both good and bad, the panel wholeheartedly agreed that travelling is indeed an excellent source of inspiration not only for one’s self but also to fuel creativity. Examples of locations that students were advised to pay a visit is airports and shopping malls as these are the places that would have interesting landscape, interiors and exteriors. “Travel whenever you can, work hard and save up as those moments are truly priceless”, advised Dr Eric. “As times change, so does architecture and if you put off travelling to a later time, there is no guarantee that things would be the same as it is now. So make time, travel and come back inspired to create amazing designs and ideas” he concluded.
The One Academy is committed to providing the best art education programmes and continues to nurture its students passionately through its ‘Masters Train Masters’ coaching philosophy, which has been practised for the past 28 years, by providing diploma and degree courses namely Advertising & Graphic Design, Digital Animation, Digital Media Design, Film Visual Effects, Interior Architecture & Design, Illustration, Fine Arts and Paris Fashion Design & Pattern Making. For more information on The One Academy, visit or call (+603) 7875 5510 or e-mail your enquiries to [email protected].
The One Academy of Communication Design

A group shot with the attendees of the event.