Mind Competitions in conjunction with the Malaysia Festival of The Mind VI (24 - 25 July 2010).
Mind Competitions in conjunction with the Malaysia Festival of The Mind VI (24 – 25 July 2010). Universiti Tunku Abdul
Rahman (UTAR) and the Malaysia Mental Literacy Movement (MMLM) will be jointly organising two competitions namely
“Memory Competition” and “Mind – Mapping Competition”.
Memory Competition
Sunday, 11 July 2010, 9am – 1pm
Auditorium I & II,
Centre for Extension Education
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
No. 13, Jalan 13/6, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Category Prizes
1st Prize: RM 3,000
2nd Prize: RM 2,000
3rd Prize: RM 1,000
The written Memory Competition consists of 4 categories:
Dates & Events
Random Numbers
Random Words
Random Letters of the Alphabet
You may participate in all categories
General Rules & Regulations
Time allocated for each category is 30 minutes.
10 minutes – memorization; 5 minutes – break time & 15 minutes is for written recall.
Every correct answer in the right position and order will be awarded 1 point.
Details of the rules & regulations will be given to the participants upon the registration.
The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained.
Mind Mapping Competition
Sunday, 11 July 2010, 2pm – 5pm
Auditorium I & II,
Centre for Extension Education
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
No. 13, Jalan 13/6, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Category Prizes
1st Prize: RM 3,000
2nd Prize: RM 2,000
3rd Prize: RM 1,000
The Mind Mapping Competition consists of 3 sessions:
Session 1 : General mind map based on given topic.
Session 2 : Notes taking during Video/Audio via mind mapping.
Session 3 : Notes taking based on given article (4 – 5 papers) via mind mapping.
General Rules & Regulations
Winners will be selected based on:
(a)The Laws of Mind Map as describe in Mind Map book by Tony Buzan.
(b)Visual attractiveness of the mind maps through the use of images and colours
(c)Clarity, detail, accuracy of the mind maps as reflected by the choice of key words & the structure.
Please click here for form and details.