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趣味的俚语 How much do you know about SLANG?

转载自《升学情报 24》,2005
~ Dr. Jay Yap
~ 喜欢英文、了解英文、和英文做好朋友,也要让你和英文成为好朋友!现为汝来国际学院英文系资深讲师。


“This is what SLANG is all about,让我告诉你什么是‘俚语’…… ”
> “俚语”是非正式或通俗用语,包含了不适合使用于正式场合的词语和说法。
【例】She went“nuts”(疯狂) when saw her boyfriend arm in arm with another girl.

> “俚语”的“发明”通常是把原有的词语赋上新义而产生。
【例】在六、七十年代的嬉皮士(hippies)时期,“grass”和“pot”的意思变成了“marijuana”(大麻),而“spaced out”的意思是指“使用毒品而造成的亢奋”(high on drug)。

> “俚语”以其生动和幽默而见称,常常被用于讽刺、揶揄社会中的一些人和团体。

> 对於罪犯、音乐人、毒品使用者等特定圈子,“俚语”通常成了他们的“专门用语”。
【例】音乐人说:“Man, what do you think of my new‘axe’(原意是“斧头”,这里指的是“乐器”)?”

> 许多“俚语”只流行于一段时期,但有些“俚语”却在长期的使用下,成为了标准用语。

1. Doing homework on the weekend is a drag.
2. The two sides were headed for a nasty face-off.
3. The Japanese are an easy mark because they usually carry a lot of cash.
4. My grandmother gave me an earful about the neighbourhood.
5. He is really a pro at his work.
6. I feel like I am going to puke.
7. You should give up trying to put the moves on her. She is married.
8. Who is going to quarterback the meeting?
9. Listening to Benny Goodman play the saxophone really chills me.
10. Dicky is undoubtedly 18 karat!
11. I’m going to rack out for two hours. .
12. Don’t try to do a snow job on me.
13. He was in his hoopty about dusk when a woman tried to kill him.
14. It is my turn to pop for the doughnuts.
15. Can you give me a gentle prod next week so I won’t forget?
16. He is such a dork; no wonder he’s got no friends.
17. You come up with the bread; we’ll make the gig
18. It was an elaborate put-on which I almost believed.
19. That tourist was really ripped off at the gift shop.
20. The players are all psyched up for the game on Friday.

上期答案:1. organization 2. reservation 3. indigestion 4. application 5.revolution 6. prediction 7. concentration 8. medication 9. hesitation 10. investigation

1. boring 2. confrontation 3. likely victims 4. much gossip 5. professional 6. vomit 7. seduce 8. lead 9. thrills 10. pure gold 11. sleep 12. deceive 13. car 14. buy 15. reminder 16. strange person 17. money 18. deception 19. cheated, swindled 20. mentally ready

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