Group photo of the project team members.
Miri – 1 October 2015 – Applying their technical know-how to a real-world situation and as a public service to the community, student members of the Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Student Branch of Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia (Curtin Sarawak) have helped light up a public bus stand in Desa Senadin here using solar energy.
The bus stand at the Desa Senadin Commercial Area near the Curtin Sarawak campus is used by both students living in university-managed housing nearby, as well as the general public.
By installing a solar powered lighting system, the students led by president of the Curtin Sarawak IEEE Student Branch and final-year electronic and communication engineering student Basil Andy Lease have effectively resolved a longstanding problem of unavailability of electricity supply to the bus stand.

The brightly-lit bus stand after installation of the solar powered lighting.
It is the first solar energy project implemented by the student branch outside the campus in collaboration with the university’s Housing and Recreation Services Department.
According to Basil, the project was in line with IEEE’s slogan ‘Advancing technology for humanity’ and was a great opportunity for the students to apply their skills and knowledge outside of the classroom. It also makes it safer for commuters to use the bus stand at night.
He thanked the management of Curtin Sarawak for its support and sponsorship towards the project, as well as the student branch members for their hard work and dedication.
Housing and Recreation Services Manager Chin Li Yen, meanwhile, thanked Basil and his team for their initiative in carrying out the project, saying that it has gotten the thumbs-up from both students and residents of Desa Senadin.
Advisor to the student branch Dr. Garenth Lim King Hann also praised the students for their efforts. He remarked that it shows that students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) are equipped with the necessary knowledge to provide electrical and electronic solutions to the real world.
Dr. Lim encourages more Curtin Sarawak students to be involved in extracurricular activities, particularly those involving the community, to sharpen their technical skills.
He cited Basil as a good example, having been involved in various innovative projects including the design and development of a ‘omniwheel’, hand gesture controller, solar tree and low-cost Peltier air conditioner. He said Basil’s initiative to form a student technical team to create innovative and practical devices that could benefit the community was also commendable.
Solar energy projects previously carried out by the IEEE Student Branch included installing a solar tree and solar-powered interactive noticeboard at the university. The solar tree is used to charge smartphones, tablets, power banks and other USB powered devices while the interactive noticeboard serves to showcase user-interactive projects by ECE students.
Established in 2008, the student branch has about 50 members. For more information on the student branch, e-mail [email protected] or visit issbwebsite.wix.com/ieeecurtinsarawak. One can also visit its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/CurtinSarawak.IEEE.
科廷大学马来西亚分校 Curtin University Sarawak Malaysia 相关资讯;